Why do some artists fail and others succeed?

What separates artists that succeed from artists that fail?

In our experience of working with artists, it usually comes down to lack of knowledge, poor foundations and a lack mind set, which holds them back from showing up relentlessly and taking appropriate and strategic action when opportunity arrives.

Lack of Knowledge

Many artists are willing to do the work but don’t actually know what to do. They don’t know where to start or are afraid that they will do things wrong, so they don’t do anything at all.

This includes all aspects of the art business including finance, admin and marketing.

Successful artists do their homework and tap into experts to help and guide them. They study the industry. They learn to make wise decisions.

Most find a mentor or coach who will guide them, and undertake programmes and courses to gain the necessary skills.

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Ineffective Efforts

Many artists think they are doing the right things, but are confused why they are not hitting the mark. Some reasons for this will be they are not doing enough, are doing the wrong things, are missing some of the pieces or doing things in the wrong order.

Some are doing things for the wrong reasons - just throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks.

Successful artists know what to do, how to do it, when to do it, where to do it, and how to get the most from it.

They have a strategy and a plan and they follow their plan meticulously.

Building Relationships

Many artists do not take the time to build relationships both in the industry and with their followers.

Successful artists do both, and they know how to keep and continuously deepen those relationships. They know how to communicate and do this consistently and with integrity.

Strong Foundation

Many artists don’t build a solid foundation so their success is limited and fleeting. It also means that when opportunity does arise they are not in a position to take advantage of it.

Successful artists prepare for and put themselves in the way of opportunity.


Many artists try to do everything themselves. This may be because they want to retain complete control, or it may be because they don’t know where to find help.

Successful artists seek out help to support their success.


Many artists quit too soon. Maybe they have had some success and so they stop doing the things that got them there. Many just get tired of ‘wasting time, money and effort’, when all the while they have started creating the kind of buzz that can lead to much bigger and better things.

Successful artists refuse to give up. They are determined and relentless and just keep going. They measure the results of their efforts so they know what works and capitalise on every opportunity and small win.

Professional presence

Many artists try to create their professional presence themselves to save money. They do not value professionals and as a consequence they do not achieve the result they need to stand out from the crowd.

Successful artists know that everything about them and everything that represents them must make them look like they are professional and successful. They never settle for ‘good enough.’ They hire experienced designers to create their online brand and presence and print marketing. They dress like businesspeople when it is appropriate.

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Many artists have a lack mindset when it comes to money matters.

Successful artists know that they need to constantly invest and reinvest in their art. They establish a budget and stick to it. They raise capital if it is necessary, whether it comes from investors (family), grants, crowdsourcing, a loan or some sort of enterprising venture. If they are not good at managing their money, they hire someone who is. They do not let money, or the lack of it hold them back.

There are countless more reasons why some artists fail and some succeed. Timing, unforeseen circumstances such as illness, lack of family support, etc. can all dramatically affect an artist’s career. But when all the playing fields are levelled, the bottom line is that those artists who succeed and remain successful are the ones who are constantly improving, adapting and creating and taking care of their business.

If you want to be successful BOOK A FREE STRATEGY CALL now with Markus to discuss our award winning CPD accredited “Pure Foundation Grow Your Art Business’ programme

Let us know your top tips for success in the Hungry Artist Facebook Group.


Mark Austin


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