How to work with the Moons energy

Start by keeping a record of how you feel in the different moon phases

A good place to begin when starting to work with the moons phases is to note down how you feel through each phase as it passes, for several months.

By so doing, you will begin to notice patterns.

As you notice these patterns emerge, you will be able to plan ahead more easily and with more confidence, safe in the knowledge that the next time the moon is in the same sign, you will be better prepared for the kinds of moods you are likely to experience.

For example, if you feel more energised and motivated when the moon is in a particular phase, this will be a good time to plan important events and activities, whereas if you feel emotional and overwhelmed during a particular phase you will know it is better to plan more restful and less stressful activities for these times.

Absorbing the moons energy

Particularly during a full moon, you can try to harness the spiritual energy through journaling, meditating, or charging your crystals. Remember that there's no right or wrong when it comes to the divine, so experiment and find whatever feels best for you.

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